Short Forms & Resources | Level Access

Client: Level Access
Creative directors: Stephanie Schmidt and Nicole McTheny

A small sampling of short resource documents designed for Level Access. These documents, ranging from webinar recaps to troubleshooting guides and software development concepts, are designed with the common aim of simplifying complex information through visually clear presentation.

Copyright © Level Access

The first page of the Design Evaluations document, highlighting what design evaluations are and when they should be used.
The second page of the design evaluations document, highlighting what design evaluations provide and how to get started, along with a quote procided by an employee from Gloat and company information.
The first page of the JIRA Integration FAQ document, steps 1-2.
JIRA Integration FAQs 2: The second page of the JIRA Integration FAQ document, steps 3-6.
The first page of the Measuring What Matters webinar recap, featuring speakers from Merck and Wells Fargo. It includes a summary and a breakdown of what was learned.
The second page of the Measuring What Matters webinar recap. It is a continuation of the "What We Learned" section.
The third page of the Measuring What Matters webinar recap. It contains noteable quotes from the two speakers, and a company information on Level Access.