To the zoo!

Several carefully chosen pieces from my thesis project- a delightful children's counting book. The vibrant depictions of playful characters in whimsical scenes correspond to each number, with these select pieces contributing to the overall narrative flow of the counting book. Through this project, I aimed to create a visually enchanting and accessible tool that fosters a positive relationship with numbers and learning from an early age.

A single monkey making a silly face. It hangs upside-down by its tail from a branch.
Two pangolins curled up in the hollows of a dried-out stump. A monkey peeks above the sandy hill behind them, jangling a set of keys.
Eighteen penguins on the edge of an iceburg. Some are nesting with piles of rocks while others dive into the water. A monkey peeks out from behind one with keys in its hand.
A spread of the first page of "To the Zoo"
A spread of "To the Zoo" showing two sleepy pangolins.
A spread of "To the Zoo" showing four lazy red pandas.
A spread of "To the Zoo" showing eighteen nesting and diving penguins.
A full spread of  parade of animals on the run against a sunset. A monkey leads the way with keys grasped in its tail.